Sunday, April 7, 2013

Running Of The Elk Half Marathon recap

I ran my second half marathon of the year today. Running my second half so close to my first was a last minute decision and I'm so glad I went through with it.
After my previous race (3 weeks ago) I wanted to see if I could break 2:30 since I came so close the last time. Well, I did it! I set a new Personal Record of 2 hours 29 minutes.
This was the first half I did that my husband wasn't running. It was SO nice to have him and our little boy there cheering me on. They met me at the half way point and at the finish line. Swoon!!

Love the sign they made. "Go Mommy... Kick some booty"

This run was way different than my previous Halfs. There were no tears or deep moments of clarity this time. I was too busy singing along to my jams, I guess.
I plan on taking a two week running break to fully heal my IT Band and focus on my new work out. The hubby and I are starting Insanity the Asylum. Eek! Wish me luck!

He ran up to me and wrapped his little arms around my legs as soon as he saw me. Love him!

My "game face" needs some work ;)


  1. Holla at breaking 2:30! Fantastic! Must have been the handsome cheerleaders ;)

    1. Thanks GF!!! It was such a great feeling. I never would have thought last Fall (when I was training for my 1st half) that I could ever run the whole thing let alone do it under 2:30.
